A metal rod, Bunsen burner, petroleum jelly, drawing pins, stopwatch.
- Set up and light a Bunsen burner.
- Smear a small amount of petroleum jelly on to the head of each drawing pin.
- Attach the drawing pins at even intervals along the length of the metal rod/or use a tripod.
- Clamp one end of the metal rod to a retort stand/or use a tripod and put on its side with one of the metal legs over the Bunsen.
- Position the retort stand so the unclamped end of the metal rod is in the Bunsen flame and start the stopwatch.
- Record the time it takes for each pin to drop in the table below.
Nice blog post Jakita! Please make sure we are writing up our explanations of what it is we are seeing! If we ever need help then please ask! And you know i would love to see pictures of the experiment up here :)