
Wednesday, 7 February 2018

The Heart and the Bottles

The Heart and the Bottle By Oliver Jeffers

The book was about grief and how it can affect people when they lose people/pets.
She lost a great figure in her life that looked like her Dad or Grandad, It even got to the point where the passing of her grand/dad affected her everyday life and she didn't see life how she used to.

I would recommend this book to someone who has just lost someone or someone that was a big deal to them.

Image result for the heart in the bottle


  1. I love this book, such a great message told so well in a children's book! I always read it to my younger cousins when I babysit them, have you read anything else by Oliver Jeffers? Another one of my favourite books by him is Lost and Found.

    1. Thank you for commenting. :)

      My english class has read Stuck and The Heart and The Bottle.


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