
Wednesday, 11 April 2018

What is Chernobyl?

Breaking it down

  • The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
  • The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere and downwind – some 5200 PBq (I-131 eq).
  • Two Chernobyl plant workers died on the night of the accident, and a further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning.
  • UNSCEAR says that apart from increased thyroid cancers, "there is no evidence of a major public health impact attributable to radiation exposure 20 years after the accident."
  • Resettlement of areas from which people were relocated is ongoing. In 2011 Chernobyl has officially declared a tourist attraction.

Thursday, 5 April 2018



To separate the different pigments in inks using paper chromatography.


Ink pens,
A test tube,
a strip of filter paper,
ice-block stick
chromatography solution


  1. Cut a piece of filter paper long enough to reach the bottom of your test tube.
  2. Rule a line in pencil 2cm from the bottom of the paper.
  3. Fill the test tube with 1cm of chromatography solution.
  4. Place a dot of ink above the ruled line.
  5. Tape paper to stick and place in solution.
  6. Wait and observe.
  7. Repeat with 2 other colours.


Jakita and I did 5 different tests with 4 different colours. The pink, red, and blue tests didn't really show us anything, though it looked really cool. The black, on the other hand, showed us how many pigments actually go in these pens. In the black pen, a range of colours is shown, including blue, yellow, red, and orange. 
        Look at these!


The pigments in some pens have higher or lower solubility than others. For example, the blue and red pigments in the pens we used had a higher solubility than the pink pen because they travelled higher on the filter paper. Using Chromatography, we can not only figure out the solubility of pigments but find out what pigments were used in a specific pen.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

act 3 scene 3 merchant of venice

Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use a quote from the text to support your answer.

Antonio believes Shylock wants revenge and justice, "His reason well I know. I oft delivered from his forfeitures Many that have at times made moan to me. Therefore he hates me."

Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio?

Because it wouldn't benefit the government. The city makes its money through the foreign merchants of Venice and if they discarded the law, their security is under threat.  

Why does Antonio seem resigned to his fate? What two important realisations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.

One realisation is that he knows Shylock isn't going to give up on getting his bond. The other is that there's no way he can get out of it, he knows that the Duke and government won't do anything other than what's been put in writing 
Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?

A little bit, at first he thinks that Bassanio is completely trustworthy and capable of keeping a promise but then 

Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas:
Is mercy the same as forgiveness? 
Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. and forgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. ( thank you google, where I got this information.)

Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge? 
It can be a bit of both, it depends on what the other person has done.
Is justice the same as fairness? Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable and fairness is impartial and just treatment or behaviour without favouritism or discrimination. ( thank you google, where I got this information from)

Is true justice possible in this case? I think that justice will not be present in this case.